Since the last meeting progress has been made in identifying further challenges and opportunities. A call out for property owners to consider head leasing has not resulted yet in any additions, however anecdotal interest. The lack of head leases due market demand is contributing to the current crisis, and without these subsidies that are being accessed and have been increased cannot be utilized.

Reports from attendees included the following in response to investigations:

  • It has been confirmed that the Federal Government NRAS program has no replacement.
  • Land previously identified for further investigation has now been reviewed and a report to be completed and delivered to Noosa Council by staff this month. Awaiting further update on State land transfers, with approaches to organisations such as the Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul resulting in no available sites so far.
  • Awaiting requested definition changes from State regarding secondary dwellings/ dual occupancies, and on another identified contributor of State infrastructure charges that do not encourage modest dwellings as fees are not scaled. This also applies to why there has been a lack of development of transportable villages/caravan parks as the cost of the land/development/charges do not make it feasible in comparison to other forms of housing.
  • Codes and criteria surrounding temporary emergency accommodation being investigated.

A very productive meeting and we thank those who are working quickly in combined efforts to work on resolutions in the immediate and longer term. Our next meeting is in March and we will update afterwards, as well on the micro-apartment whose ‘open house’ was delayed.  In the meantime thank you to all in the community who assisted in efforts, including the housing of our worker families who now all have secured new rentals, and congratulations to Endeavour who launched their new project on independent living, the first of 9  projects across the coast.