An EUA is a financing mechanism used to upgrade the energy efficiency of existing buildings to improve their environmental performance and can provide benefits for the community, industry, building owners, building tenants, financial providers and local governments. EUAs are fixed interest, long term loans, provided by lenders and secured through a local government charge on land. The cost savings resulting from the upgrade are used to repay the upgrade finance over time, through a charge included on the property’s rates. Communications over the last year have been had with Minister’s and Council, with progress from a Question on Notice to Minister de Brenni during Parliament on 18th February. In his response the Minister refers to the Department of Housing and Public Work’s investigations and that they are supportive of progressing the development of an EUA framework in Queensland and  considering it’s potential application. COVID-19 has led to a delay, however we continue to progress and wrote again to the Minister for an updates.

You can find all my Questions on Notice on the Qld Parliament website here: 

Go to ‘Search by Current Member’, choose Ms. Sandy Bolton then click ‘Search Questions on Notice’.