The following information in italics has been provided by the Minister for Transport and Main Roads in response to queries regarding bus shelters at school bus stops:

The Department of Transport and Main Roads’ Translink Division (Translink) works in collaboration with local governments to improve bus stop infrastructure across the state.

School bus services generally use three stop types:

  • Hail ‘n’ ride stops are a convenient method to allow customers to board or alight a bus at any point along the route, providing the request is made with appropriate notice to the driver and the requested area is safe for a bus to stop at. As there are no designated stopping locations, stop infrastructure cannot be installed.
  • School bus stops have some level of formalisation, occasionally accompanied by infrastructure, and are primarily under the jurisdiction of the local council. As school bus routes and stopping locations vary frequently, constructing permanent and dedicated school bus stop infrastructure is often not considered the most practical use of limited transport infrastructure investment funds. However, there are some locations on the network that benefit from existing or recycled shelters.
  • School services may also use Translink urban bus network stops. Whilst the planning of these stop locations is principally the responsibility of Translink, the provision of shelters and seating at these stops primarily falls under the jurisdiction of each respective council as the asset owner, irrespective of whether it is located on a state or council-controlled road.

Contact information for local Councilors is available at

To contact the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, please email