We have received the latest advice from Airservices Australia (AA) regarding the Post Implementation Review (PIR) of the Sunshine Coast Airspace Design, in response to resident queries.

As part of the PIR, AA have been progressing with a report on their assessment of community suggested alternatives for flight paths and noise abatement procedures received during public comment periods in 2021 and 2022, which will form part of the PIR report. They received significant community interest in this review, therefore need to thoroughly evaluate each of the suggested alternatives and provide clear outcomes to the community.

While AA have been progressing the PIR of the Sunshine Coast Airspace Design Review, they have also been working on a PIR for flight path changes in Brisbane. Trax international was appointed to complete an independent review of Brisbane’s airspace. Last week, the Brisbane New Parallel Runway Flight Paths Post Implementation Review (PIR) Independent Review Final Report was released which includes a number of recommendations that have interfaces with the Sunshine Coast airspace.

In reviewing the Sunshine Coast community suggested alternative flight path submissions, AA have also identified constraints with Brisbane’s airspace. To get the best possible outcome for both airspace PIRs, AA have identified the need to complete these reviews in parallel. This will allow consideration of some suggestions from the Sunshine Coast that would otherwise be ruled out now due to the conflict with current Brisbane airspace operations.

AA intend to provide a draft report for Sunshine Coast by the end of 2022. This will identify the suggested alternatives that are considered safe and feasible to progress through the Airservices Airspace Change Program and those that require more detailed consideration in parallel with Brisbane PIR outcomes. A Sunshine Coast community meeting will follow the draft report release to enable detailed discussion of the PIR findings, outcomes, and next steps.

You can find more information about the Sunshine Coast Airspace Design Review at https://engage.airservicesaustralia.com/sunshine-coast-airport-airspace-changes-runway-1331

Although flight paths and the aviation industry are federal government matters, should you require assistance with any state government matters, please contact our office via noosa@parliament.qld.gov.au or 5319 3100.

For information on local Federal MPs:

Wide Bay https://llewobrien.com.au/get-in-touch/    Fairfax https://tedobrien.com.au/contact/