Advocacy for crossings on state roads in Pomona has continued, with delays whilst awaiting a precinct plan by Noosa Council to help determine the best locations for connectivity and types of crossings. Noosa Council have now advised their Pomona Place Making initiative for the township has commenced, and the Department of Transport & Main Roads (TMR) have provided the updated response below (in italics):

This matter was discussed at the last Noosa Council Roundtable meeting, as you have also noted. TMR will continue to liaise with council, noting council’s Pomona Place Making initiative through the township. As a part of this initiative, we understand that council will consider the best location and type of pedestrian facilities for the Pomona township including pathway connectivity, and it will continue to liaise with TMR as part of this process.

Regarding crossing types, different types of pedestrian crossings can be more suited to different road environments and road user requirements and can also depend on physical and operational parameters of a site. More information and guidelines on pedestrian facilities and road crossings can be found on the TMR website at: Road crossings (Department of Transport and Main Roads) (

As you are aware, we have recently reduced the speed limit through Pomona to 50km/h as a measure to improve safety.

TMR managed roads in the Pomona township area are: Reserve St, Factory St & Hill St. Other roads in Pomona township area such as Station St and Summit Rd, are managed by Noosa Council.

Sandy continues to discuss whether there are any possible temporary measures with TMR and will update as further information becomes available.

To contact TMR, please email

To contact Noosa Council, please email

To contact our office, please email