Following resident concerns regarding the placement of an ‘End 60’ sign instead of a ‘100’ speed sign as you leave Pomona on Yurol Forest Drive, the Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads’ office has provided below in response:

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) provides signage on state-controlled roads in accordance with national guidelines detailed in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

The MUTCD notes that the ‘End’ speed limit signage shall be used on at the starting point of a section of road covered by a default rural speed limit, and where it is not practicable to indicate the speed limit applying beyond that point by means of speed limit signage. This includes where the speed value of the alignment beyond the start point is substantially lower than the default rural speed limit.  

The ‘End’ speed limit signage is intended to inform motorists that they have left the built-up area and the previous speed limit has ended, and that they are entering a rural environment where the default speed limit (100 km/h) applies.

The section of Yurol Forest Drive, between the ‘End 60’ sign and just before the intersection with Cooroy Connection Road at Pomona, is identified as a rural road and, therefore, the speed limit defaults to 100 km/h.

Although the default 100 km/h speed limit applies to this rural section of road, there is a series of winding curves at various locations that motorists need to traverse at a significantly lower speed. Advisory speed limit signage is installed at these locations where curves exist, including a 70 km/h advisory sign that is in close proximity to the ‘End 60’ sign, to warn motorists that extra caution is needed, and their speed should be reduced to navigate the road comfortably and safely.

TMR has determined it is not appropriate to install a 100 km/h regulatory speed limit sign immediately prior to the 70 km/h advisory sign. TMR has no plans to replace the existing ‘End 60’ sign with a 100 km/h speed limit sign at this at location.

A 100 km/h speed limit sign is installed on the straight section of this road, located just northwest of the Porters Road intersection, where the road alignment is comfortably driven at the 100 km/h limit.

As always, Sandy welcomes any resident feedback on the above information on 5319 3100 or via

Further information

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